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Updated: Sep 18

Just trust me. Really? Is that how it works? Trust is a fairly simple concept but complex in its application. Many of us have experienced broken trust—whether by betrayal, disappointment, or abuse—leading us to guard ourselves more cautiously. Yet, trust is foundational for relationships to grow and mature.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Pursue Biblical Understanding

The first step in wisdom is to gain understanding, particularly of who we are trusting. Solomon begins Proverbs 3 by urging his readers not to forget God's teachings. By immersing ourselves in God’s Word, we align ourselves with His wisdom, which brings peace and prosperity. We internalize God’s wisdom to sustain and protect us.

This internalization of Scripture is key to building trust in God. When His words are engraved on our hearts, they guide us through life’s uncertainties, leading to a life marked by God’s favor. We inhabit the story of God rather than simply look for ways to add to our lives.

Increase Your Trust in God

Trusting God is a risk, but it’s a risk worth taking. When we trust God with all our heart, we recognize that our understanding is limited, while His is boundless. The wise realize that trust in God is not just a one-time decision; it’s a continuous process. As we grow in understanding, we increase our trust in Him. Small things become repeated practices become leaps and soon our trust is at a point that years before we might have thought foolish. Yet, the wise know trusting in God with all your heart is never foolish.

Trust is more like a dial we turn than a switch we flip.

Have you gotten complacent in your trust in God? Are your prayers stale? Now maybe the time that you need to dial up your trust another notch.

Trust is Vulnerable but Worthwhile

Trust inherently involves vulnerability. It grows when we take risks, and though those risks may seem daunting, the wise know that trusting God is the most secure choice. Life’s uncertainties—financial challenges, health issues, or major decisions—can tempt us to rely solely on our own understanding. Proverbs teaches us that leaning on God’s wisdom leads to straighter paths, greater peace, and spiritual growth.

God’s track record proves His trustworthiness. He knows us intimately, has the right motives, the ability, and a consistent character that has stood the test of time. Trusting in Him allows us to walk with confidence, even when the road seems unclear.

Trust is not a one-time action but a growing, vulnerable process that transforms our lives for the better.


  1. In what areas of your life do you struggle to trust God, and how can naming them help you turn those over to Him?

  2. Read Proverbs 3:1-6. How can you practically bind God’s wisdom around your "neck" and write it on your "heart" daily?


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